MT Eisenbahnbedarf HandelsgmbH, Department Rail-Consult and MT Museumstramway Verkehrs- und BetriebsgmbH
The Train-, Bus- und Ship-Experts
We organise, repair, restore, deliver und consult
- historical trams: motor- and trailer-cars
- buses and trolley-buses
- railcars for standard- and narrow-gauge
- special vehicles
- locomotives powered by steam, diesel and electricity
- electric power supply
- overhead wire systems
- track systems - permanent way
- turn-key rail systems
- ships
Our wide range of technical and historical know-how is the way to our success. It ensures best support, optimum consulting and contentment to our clients.
You got a little bit of imagination? Please take the time and see the next pages and a small overview of our abilities and how it looks like ...
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EISENBAHNBEDARF Handels Verkehrs und Betriebs GmbH
An der Museumsbahn 5, A-8630 Mariazell
Tel.: +43 3882 3014, Fax: +43 3882 3393
© giwe-design 2000